Thursday, February 27, 2020

Project management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Project management - Assignment Example However, these kegs would be used in the years to come. Currently the problem is that manufacturing kegs would require cost and the company is not ready to make high investment and therefore it is evaluating whether it should manufacture kegs or not and if they should then in how much quantity. The management feels that so much cost would be tied up in kegs and they would only be able to use it for a month. If the company invests this amount then it can earn 10% interest income on the amount. Considerations for the management while making decision According to the accountant, cost of one keg is ?40 and if the company plans to have 8,000 kegs then a total of ?320,000 would be tied up in kegs unnecessarily. Therefore the opportunity cost of the company for making this investment is ?32,000 as the interest rate is 10%. There are three alternatives that the company currently has and these alternatives are: 1. They need to produce 8,000 kegs 2. They need to produce 4,000 kegs 3. They do n ot need more kegs These are the three alternatives that the company has currently however the management predicts that the demand of these products could increase by the following rates: There are 60% chances that the demand would increase by at least 10% in August. There are 30% chances that the demand would increase by at most 10% in August. ... ion and decisions that the company can make A Decision Mode If demand increases by 10% If demand does not increases by 10% If demand does not increase If demand increases by 10% If demand does not increases by 10% If demand does not increase If demand increases by 10% If demand does not increases by 10% If demand does not increase Decision The decision to order kegs would not only help Applegold to meet the increasing demands in August but at the same time it would impact the customer satisfaction level as well as this decision would be helpful in increasing the customer base. In addition to this, Applegold needs to think about the long term and by investing today in the kegs the company not only would be able to increase its sales for the current year but these kegs could be useful for the years to come. The current market share of Applegold in the cider is approximately 30% and this can be increased which would be helpful for the company in the long run. This decision could also im pact the customer satisfaction level and as when products are not available then customers can become dissatisfied and they might switch to competitors’ product. And once a customer has switched it is difficult to regain him therefore lost of one customer could decrease the revenues that the company might earn in the years to come. In addition to this, a lost customer might also take others with him and it could become a chain for the company and they might start losing customers. Therefore it is important that the company makes an investment as it will be beneficial in the long run. The total revenue of the company was ?60 million along with a pre-tax profit of ?6 million and with this investment the sales of the company would improve further and thus it would also improve the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Week 7 hw Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 7 hw - Essay Example Adultery is an act that violates these values is wrong. Moreover, adultery betrays faithfulness in marriages, a core value of the institution. It also goes against the spiritual teachings of purity. Adultery hampers honesty and trustworthiness in relationships. In addition, adultery does not respect the feeling of a partner. Furthermore, it breaks the vows committed during marriage proceedings. This hurts most of the marriage couples and it may result in to breakups. 3. Prostitution is wrong according to religious and societal values. First and foremost, religious books like the bible are against this act of selling the flesh. They describe the body as the temple of God which should be kept clean always. Secondly, all societies do not advocate for prostitution. In most societies, prostitutes are outcasts and are people looked at with very little respect. Finally, prostitutes destroy other people’s marriages. 4. Any society or country is not complete without prostitutes. Prostitution will always manifest itself whether we like it or not. Therefore, prostitution should be made legally permissible and regulated to protect both prostitutes and their customers. Permitting prostitution will help in training the prostitutes on safe sex practices. Also, the prostitutes will not be mistreated by clients. Prostitutes are human beings too. Legal permission of prostitution will ensure respect of their rights and freedoms. In case of any violation, the natural course of justice takes effect immediately. 5. Internet pornography should be forbidden because of its many negative impacts. First of all, it shatters relationships between wives and husbands. Some couples visit the porn websites for self-satisfaction purposes. Consequently, some end up masturbating. When one of